
Counselors and Coordinators


For High School Partners -

Student Readiness

Our Memorandums of Agreement with area school districts outline requirements for concurrent enrollment courses. These requirements are not the same as for PSEO courses taken on the college campus.

Students do not need to meet specific GPA or class rankings to participate in College NOW concurrent enrollment courses. In some cases 9th graders may participate. Students in 9th and 10th grades are not limited to Career and Technical courses as they are with PSEO.

Students wishing to enroll in concurrent enrollment courses do need to meet the placement requirements for courses. These vary by course and are found in the college catalog. High school instructors teaching Minneapolis College concurrent enrollment courses receive specific placement requirements for their course.

Available Courses

The following are Minneapolis College courses currently offered at various high schools. Not all courses are available at all high schools, and available courses do change from semester to semester. Students should talk to their high school counselors for information on available concurrent enrollment courses.
