
Online Learning


Considering an Online Education?

Are you looking for a bit more flexibility when it comes to obtaining your degree? Do you work hours that make attending classes on campus a challenge? Are you a self-directed learner who feels confident navigating online tools and resources? Each of the following methods, Face-to-Face, Blended, and Online Learning are different ways to deliver courses:

  • Face-to-Face courses meet in the classroom and may use D2L Brightspace for grades, quizzes, etc.
  • Online courses are typically completely online and delivered through the D2L Brightspace platform.
  • Blended courses are classes that are part face-to-face and part online

D2L Brightspace is a web-based system that can be used by instructors for sharing content, leading discussions, posting grades, allowing students to upload assignments, and more.


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Minneapolis College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.