Celebrating student success for Over 40 years
Although Minneapolis Community and Technical College (Minneapolis College) is among the most affordable colleges in Minnesota, the costs and the barriers of attending can still be challenging. The Minneapolis College Foundation was created more than 40 years ago with a mission of providing financial assistance and educational support to students in need who attend Minneapolis College.

The Foundation has been a leader in addressing issues of affordability and access to higher education, and has assisted the college and its partners to raise the visibility of these issues to public policy leaders. Minneapolis College Foundation provides invaluable support to the community through a variety of special initiatives that support students, enhance the readiness of our workforce and support the college in its strategic needs.
The Foundation is committed to removing barriers to higher education by providing scholarships and other support to students who face financial hardships. We provide opportunities, big and small, allowing our students to realize their dream of college.
Visit us at our office located on the lower level of the Management Education Center at 1312 Harmon Place in Minneapolis.