
African American Education Empowerment Program (AME)

  • If you have any questions, contact the coordinator Charles Watson
  • Advising appointments will be available via Zoom video or Zoom calls. To schedule an appointment, please contact Charles Watson.
  • We are presently exploring different platforms to deliver virtual programming. To find out more information about virtual programming through the AME space, contact Charles Watson.

In times of struggle and uncertainty, we need to remind ourselves of a basic fact: We Are Family—all together parts of AME. Our collective well-being is tied to your individual student movement forward. AME is here to bridge those gaps on your way to academic and professional excellence.

Creating a Culture of Excellence and Inclusiveness

The African American Education Empowerment Program's (AME) mission is to develop and create pathways for educational success. Through intentional programming and support, students develop leadership capacity through mentoring and increased involvement in the college community, society, nation and the world. 

AME creates opportunities for the educational success of all students with an emphasis on African American students and students of color at Minneapolis College. There are 3 distinct student groups within AME—Brother to Brother (B2B), Sisters of the Diaspora (SoD) and Student Transition and Education Program (STEP). Empowering students in the development of leadership skills, AME programs contribute to the personal growth, retention, and graduation of students.

Many of the AME core values are reflected in the Adinkra symbols developed by the Akan people of Ghana. The Ram’s Horn (Dwannimmen) conveys an ancient traditional knowledge relevant to aspects of the classroom environment and student life on campus: we embrace the strength found in wisdom, while encouraging the humility embodied in continuous study and improvement. 

AME Logo at Minneapolis College

AME programs provide the following benefits:

  • Academic advising services to guide students from admission to graduation; including application, FAFSA, Accuplacer prep, and SAP appeal
  • A supportive community that creates access/pathways to resources; including scholarships, fellowships, internships, and work study
  • Peer and faculty tutoring
  • Math and writing institute
  • Quiet study hall and Group study jams
  • Mentoring
  • Service learning and career development opportunities
  • Sense of welcome, acceptance, and belonging

AME is a place where scholarship and capacity building happen—where students feel a sense of belonging, connection, and accountability to enrich their educational experience. 

Support Services

Additional resources are available: 

  • Boynton Student Health Clinic provides healthcare services by medical professionals on campus to all enrolled Minneapolis College students. Most services are provided at no cost to students. 
  • For information about food pantries, food closets, food banks, soup kitchens, congregate meal locations, food boxes and vouchers, visit foodpantries.org.    
  • For online mental health resources, call 612-584-0077 or visit Synergy Therapy online or call 612-642-1355. 
  • Hennepin County provides in-person mental health services.
    • The Crisis Text Line offers free help to those who are having a mental health crisis or are contemplating suicide. Just text "MN" to 741741. Services are available 24/7 across Minnesota.
    • Call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-279-TALK (8255).
    • Hennepin County residents can call COPE (Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies) 24/7 at 612-596-1223. 

The activities of the AME program center are supported by Minneapolis College students, staff, faculty and administration.