1. What are the steps of the Student Complaint Process?
Once a student concern/complaint/grievance form is received by the student complaint officer (SCO), office staff will acknowledge receiving it (usually via e-mail). Subsequently, there may be a meeting scheduled with the student to go over the details of their Complaint/Grievance. There is no meeting scheduled for a Concern.
Once an accurate summary is reached, SCO will begin their investigation regarding the allegations. SCO will contact the complainant and relevant department and possibly others with knowledge of what happened. A report of the student summary and investigation (if applicable), will be sent to the student and the decision maker.
Once a final decision is reached by the decision maker, SCO will send out a final findings report to the decision maker and student with the decision from the supervisor/decision maker. The SCO will then close the file.
In some instances, the SCO may determine that there is no basis to proceed any further with a complaint or grievance. If this happens, the file will be closed without going to a decision maker.
2. What is a Concern?
A Concern is something that relates to, is of importance or interest to or affects a student. If you have a concern, it is an informal method of communicating something to the school.
If you have a concern, you simply want someone to know about it, but do not necessarily want someone to follow up with you. A meeting with the SCO will not be scheduled; however, he/she may follow up with you if there are questions.
You are allowed to seek relief with a Concern.
Any follow-up that is done after the Concern is filed will come from the decision-maker.
3. What is a Complaint?
A Complaint is initially an oral claim by a student alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory treatment.
The Complaint and its details should be submitted in writing for purposes of follow-up and required College record keeping (reference: College Policy 4.10, Part 2). If you have a Complaint, you would like the appropriate person to follow up with those involved.
This includes contacting you by the method indicated when you file your complaint as well as conducting a fact finding inquiry to determine the background.
4. What is a Grievance?
A Grievance is a written claim raised by a student, alleging improper, unfair, arbitrary or discriminatory action by an employee involving the application of a specific provision of a College rule/regulation or a board policy or procedure such as:
- The interpretation of the specific provision of a rule or regulation, OR
- The application of a rule or regulation in other than a uniform manner, OR
- The application of a rule or regulation other than in accordance with the provisions of the rule.
Reference: College Policy 4.10, Part 3
5. How can I obtain and submit a Student Concern/Complaint/Grievance Form?
You may obtain a form from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, now part of the Student Support Center, in T.2300.
Additionally, you may "download the form and file a student grievance (Visit the Filing a Concern, Complaint or Grievance section on the OSRR homepage or visit one of several offices that have printed forms available.
Complete the document, save, and email it to the SCO at StudentComplaints@minneapolis.edu or print, complete and submit the document to T.2300.
6. Who can file a concern, complaint or grievance?
A Concern, Complaint, or Grievance may be filed by any student who has experienced a concern or an issue that is cause for a complaint or grievance involving Minneapolis College. This includes former students as well as PSEO, Jump Start, TRIO, CECT or anyone else affiliated with Minneapolis College in a student-like relationship.
Complaints or Grievances filed more than calendar year after the incident, or at which time the student should have known of it, will be treated as Concerns in most circumstances.
A Complaint may also be filed by a student who personally observed an incident that falls within the student complaint officer’s jurisdiction, even if that student was not personally involved. Students with Concerns, Complaints or Grievances about other students’ conduct (harassment, bullying, intimidation or other inappropriate behavior covered by the Student Code of Conduct), cannot file a complaint within the student complaint process. Instead, they should file their report with a student conduct officer.
Student Complaints may be filed regarding general issues as well as issues falling under the college’s non-discrimination and sexual violence policies if it involves a non-student.
7. When can I file a concern, complaint or grievance?
You may file as soon as you have experienced an issue that is cause for a Complaint, Concern, or Grievance. Complaints and Grievances should be made no later than the 8th week of the following semester (not including summer session) when the incident occurred (or from when they learned of or should have learned of the issue).
Complaints or Grievances filed more than calendar year after the incident, or at which time the student should have known of it, will be treated as Concerns in most circumstances.
8. Will other people know that I filed a concern, complaint or grievance?
9. Does the SCO represent or advocate for me?
10. Can the SCO provide me with legal advice?
No. The SCO cannot provide you with legal advice.
11. May I have someone attend my meeting with the SCO?
Yes, you may. If you seek to bring someone who can offer you support during your meeting, you may bring them.
This person should not; however, be someone who is a witness.
12. Who makes the decision about my complaint or grievance?
In most cases, the decision will be made by the supervisor of the department/employee complained about or the issue complained about; however, there are other decision makers on campus as well.
The SCO will make determinations regarding whether there is a basis to proceed further based on initial assessment and investigation.
13. What if I am not satisfied with the decision?
In many cases you may appeal to the next level supervisor. This person’s contact information is generally communicated in the Final Findings. Appeals must be made within the time provided in the Final Findings, but in most cases 10 business days are allotted. Either party to a complaint or grievance has a right to appeal.
14. If I decide to participate in mediation, do I lose my opportunity to file a complaint or grievance later if it is not resolved?
No. While we hope that you will be able to resolve your issue through mediation, you do not waive your right to file a Concern, Complaint, or Grievance by participating in mediation.
If a resolution is not reached in mediation, it is your responsibility to contact the office for follow up.