


Mohamed Receives Walgreens Pharmacy Technician Scholarship

Mohamed has been awarded a scholarship to cover the cost of the Pharmacy Technician Certification exam fee from Walgreens and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. The new Walgreens Pharmacy Technician Certification Scholarship recognizes Phi…

For Financial Aid Documents That Do Not Require Review of an Original Item

Some documents for financial aid do require that we see the original item (for citizenship confirmation, statement of educational intent, etc.). For these instances please bring your original document to Student Services T.2100 during…

Beverly Wadsworth to Lead Advancement at Minneapolis College

Minneapolis College is pleased to announcement the appointment of Beverly Wadsworth as Director of Community Relations, Advancement and Foundation. In this position, Wadsworth will develop and provide leadership for a comprehensive…

Minneapolis College's DECA Members Placed in National Competition

In a recent business case competition in Alexandria, 3 Minneapolis College DECA students qualified for national competition later this year. Mitch…

Derrick Lindstrom, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts & Cultures, Profiled

Minneapolis College's Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Cultures, Derrick Lindstrom, was recently profiled in a Marketplace article. The title of the article is…