
Public contract parking is available: Call 612-659-6902
- Register for a Parking Permit
^ You will log in with your (staff and faculty) or (students). - Purchase a Parking Card
You will find a comprehensive list of information about the Minneapolis College Parking Ramp below:

Bicycles are required to be parked in bicycle racks in designated areas. Bicycles are not to be chained to lamp posts, trees, etc. If found chained to a lamp post, tree, building component, etc., the bicycle will be subject to citation.
Contractor Parking

- Campus contract/construction workers must get a mechanical lot, blue parking permit before using the boiler room mechanical lot for oversized vehicles. Permits can be obtained from the ramp office or the Facilities Department on campus.
- The "mechanical lot" is for Contract workers, construction workers and delivery trucks. All other uses must be authorized by the Public Safety Department or parking ramp personnel prior to use.
Damage to Vehicle and Lost or Stolen Items
- Minneapolis College (including Minnesota State and the State of Minnesota) is not responsible for lost or stolen articles, damaged or stolen vehicles. All vehicles and items are left at the vehicle owner's own risk.
- Minneapolis College highly encourages all customers to roll up all windows, place all articles out of view of the exterior of the vehicle (putting all removable items in the trunk) and to lock their doors before leaving their vehicle in the Minneapolis College ramp.
Free Parking Option: Car Pool
Did you say FREE Parking?.....College administration is providing another option for employees and students to reduce their parking costs.
Carpool Option:
Any 2 or more Minneapolis College Employee/Employee, Employee/Student or Student/Student riding in the same vehicle who produce Minneapolis College ID will be allowed into the parking ramp at no charge.
To utilize this service please drive your vehicle into Lane #1 of the parking ramp and speak to the cashier on duty. When 2 Minneapolis College members within the car provide Minneapolis College ID the cashier will lift the gate-arm and allow entrance for FREE.
This carpool free parking option will begin September 6, 2022. If you have questions about this program please contact me.
Curt Schmidt
Director of Public Safety
General Parking Ramp Information

- The Minneapolis College Parking Ramp is operated by Minneapolis College, which is in the Minnesota State system of the State of Minnesota.
- State policy requires "user fees" to pay for all parking operation costs and facility costs associated with the operation and maintenance of parking lots and ramps in the Minnesota State system.
- The Minneapolis College Parking Ramp is not a public parking facility, and parking permits are required for parking during normal business hours, Monday through Friday before 4:30 p.m.
- Parking fees are collected via "pay-as-you-enter" auto-cashiers ($10.00 per entry) and/or access card debits, which must be purchased at least 24 hours before usage (the advanced purchase price of $2.50 is deducted for each day).
- Anyone operating or parking a vehicle on campus is responsible for being familiar with and complying with all traffic and parking regulations. The purchase of a parking permit or parking access card does not guarantee space availability. The vehicle operator is responsible for finding a legal parking space.
- Drivers shall give pedestrians the right of way.
- Minneapolis Community and Technical College reserves the right to warn, ticket or tow any vehicle in violation of parking regulations. This will be done at the owner's expense. Drivers with multiple violations may have parking privileges revoked.
You can contact us at: 612-659-6835.
- The Minneapolis College Parking Ramp is located at 1420 Hennepin Avenue S, Minneapolis, Minnesota (north side of Hennepin Ave).
- All mail correspondence should be addressed to: Minneapolis College, Attention Parking Ramp, 1501 Hennepin Avenue S, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55403.
Handicap Parking

- The handicapped vehicle spaces are for properly permitted vehicles, (handicap permits can not be obtained at Minneapolis College) and are enforced via a $200 fine and/or tow, at the maximum legal limit allowed by the State of Minnesota.
- Handicapped spaces are located on all levels of the parking ramp, next to the elevator lobby.
In compliance with Minnesota Statutes 169.345 and 169.346 use of disability parking spaces is restricted only to those vehicles with a disability permit, or guest vehicles bearing state-issued disability license plates or certificates. Quick errands, deliveries, or drop offs are not valid excuses for parking in or obstructing disability spaces.
Minnesota state law requires disability parking spaces be enforced on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, including holiday periods. Violating vehicles will be ticketed or towed.
Individuals with temporary disabilities should apply to the state or their doctor's office for a disability parking certificate. The Minneapolis College Accessibility Resource Center is available for assistance and can answer any campus related accessibility questions and other questions you may have regarding disability issues at (612) 659-6730. Minneapolis Community and Technical College and Metropolitan State University (MPLS) are committed to providing access to the campus parking areas in accordance with Minnesota law.
If additional assistance is needed, contact the Parking Office (612) 659-6835 or the Public Safety Office (612) 659-6910.
Jump Starts or Breakdowns
- Minneapolis College employees are not licensed mechanics and cannot assist in vehicle repair of any kind. However, Minneapolis College does provide a "booster" box that ramp customers can utilize.
- A driver's license deposit is required for the usage of the jump-start booster. The customer's license is returned upon return of the booster to the ramp office.
- Minneapolis College does not guarantee the availability nor the effectiveness of the booster box.
Locked Keys in Car
- Minneapolis College Public Safety will attempt to assist you with vehicle lockout issues at no charge to the customer.
- Various independent companies currently offer key retrieval service for a fee to the vehicle owner/user.
- Minneapolis College does not endorse any one company, but only provides phone numbers for the convenience of our customers (please contact the ramp office directly for current information on key retrieval assistance at 612-659-6835).
- Be aware that roadside assistance programs, emergency service agencies and insurance companies frequently DO cover vehicle lockout service. Please contact your agent or company for more information and the coverage requirements of your plan.
Lost or Stolen Access Cards
Lost or stolen access cards can be reported immediately to the Parking office (R.104B) 612-659-6835, or at the College Store 612-659-6850.
The account will be locked at no charge to the owner. The card balance will be protected until reopened or transferred by the customer.
A lost or non-functioning access card can be replaced at the College Store (T.1800) for a fee of $20, and the remaining balance on the lost card will be transferred to the new account.

Motorcycles do not need to be registered with the parking office or public safety as permits are not required.
Motorcycles are allowed to park for free in the designated motorcycle parking area located at the NW corner of Hennepin and Laurel Avenues next to the parking ramp.
Motorcycles are not allowed to park in the campus ramp or any other lot that requires parking permits.
Violators are subject to citation.
Motorized Scooters/Mopeds

All mopeds and scooters are required to park in the motorcycle/moped/scooter parking lot located at the corner of Hennepin and Laurel Avenue. Any moped or scooter parked outside the designated area shall be subject to citation.
Other Parking Options
- Minneapolis City honor lots are located under the I-94 overpass at Hennepin Avenue and Glenwood Avenue.
- Parking meters are located on side streets. Most meters near the Minneapolis College campus have a four hour limit.
- Minneapolis College is accessible via the MetroTransit system with multiple bus routes stopping right in front of our campus. Please see the MetroTransit website for more detailed information and schedules.
- Find out more about free or reduced-rate parking options for carpools through the MetroTransit carpool program.
- In addition to the Campus Parking Ramp, employees on payroll deduction have the option of parking at Lot E (at the M.E.C. Building) or in the K Building Loading Dock Lot. When parking at these locations all vehicles must have proper parking permits displayed and the owner must have an active payroll deduction account.
Overnight Parking
Generally, overnight parking is not allowed.
However, special circumstances may be acceptable for limited waivers to be issued which will allow the customer to leave a vehicle overnight without it being towed. Such as, overnight school activities, overnight field trips, and vehicle breakdown.
Always check your vehicle with the ramp office before leaving your vehicle overnight! Towage resulting from not informing the Ramp office of overnight vehicles will not be reimbursed, regardless of reason for vehicle being left in the Ramp overnight.
Parking Areas
Main Campus
Subpart A. Parking Ramp: The parking ramp is the principal authorized parking facility for employees, students and visitors. Employees, students and visitors require vehicle parking permits Monday-Friday before 4:30 PM. Visitors must report to the parking ramp office and obtain and display a Visitor's Parking Permit. 1460 spaces.
Subpart B. Restricted Parking Areas: Several areas on campus are designated/signed as restricted parking areas such as No Parking, Fire Lane or Handicapped Parking. Vehicles parked in restricted areas may be ticketed and towed without notification.
Subpart C. Kopp Hall Loading Dock: K Building loading dock is restricted to faculty and staff who have current payroll deduction for their parking fees. Faculty and staff who park in the K Building loading dock must display their current Minneapolis College parking permit. 6 regular spaces, 1 contractor space.
Subpart D. M.E.C. Building (Lot E): This surface lot and the front drive are restricted to Faculty and Staff who have current payroll deduction for their parking fees. Faculty and staff who park in Lot E or the front drive must display their current Minneapolis College parking permit. 28 regular spaces, 7 in front of M.E.C., 3 handicapped spaces, 5 president reserved spaces.
Parking Fees/Access Cards
- \$10.00 credit/debit card for the auto-cashier
- Minneapolis College IDs can be used as access cards.
- Parking fees can be paid in advance at the Minneapolis College Store or online by visiting the Campus Card webpage, the parking fee is \$2.50 per day instead of the \$10.00 per entrance standard fee. Access cards are "debit" cards that are electronically readable at all entrance lanes. Account information can be maintained at by visiting the Campus Card webpage or at the Campus Card office if you suspect a mechanical or human error on your account balance.
Employees only:
- Payroll Deduction option is for staff and faculty members only, and is available at the payroll department on campus. It is an unlimited usage access card that is automatically deducted from pre-tax earnings at \$2.50 per day until deactivated by the employee. (see payroll or the parking ramp manager for further information on payroll deduction accounts).
Public parking:
- There is no daily parking available to the general public unless it involves business on campus with visitor permits. There is however, a limited number of spaces available to the general public at the Minneapolis College Parking Ramp sold only on a monthly basis.
- Customers that are not students and are not using either the Minneapolis College or MSU Minneapolis campus can apply for a month long parking permit and access card to park their vehicle in the Minneapolis College Ramp by purchasing the right to park for the entire month, the fee is \$125/month.
- Availability of spaces and contracts is limited and is not guaranteed, spaces are sold on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in a monthly parking contract for off campus business, please contact Curt Schmidt at 612-659-6902.
- Buy (or add value to) your parking access card online.
Parking Ramp Enforcement and Penalties
Illegal parking
Minneapolis College's Public Safety Department is responsible for enforcing parking rules and regulations. All employees, students and visitors are required to comply with college parking policies.
- Minneapolis College employees, State of Minnesota employees, Hennepin County employees, and City of Minneapolis employees enforce parking regulations (police officers, traffic patrol officers or other emergency crew personnel as appropriate).
- Enforced violations are, but not limited to: Parked over a yellow line, blocking wheelchair ramp, parked in handicapped space, not parked in a parking space, parked in a traffic lane, no permit displayed, taking two spaces, leaking vehicle fluids (or other safety concern), abandoned or overnight parking violation.
Employees, students and visitors parking their vehicles on Minneapolis College property are expected to obey parking control signs and conform to all applicable regulations.
Vehicles parked contrary to regulations may be issued citations with penalties ranging from warnings to monetary fines. Vehicles blocking exits, fire lanes or handicapped parking areas may be towed without warning at the owner's expense. Parking in a payroll deduction (employee only) surface lot without prepaying through payroll deduction is considered "theft of state parking services". Employees on payroll deduction may only park one vehicle on campus at any given time using their payroll deduction options.
Vehicles on record, by reference to current Minneapolis College parking permit license plate, with more than one unpaid parking fine may be towed without warning at the owner's expense.
Schedule of violations and fines
Violation | $Fine
- Handicapped parking or blocking handicapped access | $200.00
- Parking in fire lane | $25.00
- Parking unregistered vehicle (no college permit) | $25.00
- Improper permit display/permit not visible or permanently affixed | $25.00
- Permit not authorized for space | $25.00
- Parking on lawns, landscaped areas, sidewalks/other prohibited area | $25.00
- Parking in an access lane | $25.00
- Failure to park in a designated space/on or over yellow line | $25.00
- Overtime-parking | $25.00
- Loading zone | $25.00
- Abandoned vehicle | $25.00
- Bike locked to prohibited fixture | $25.00
Appeal of citation
Only unpaid citations may be appealed. The appeal form is available at the Public Safety Office, R3100, or on the parking web site. Appeals must be filed within five (5) working days of the date the citation was issued. The Director of Public Safety and/or the Vice President of Finance and Operations makes the decision on all appeals. All decisions are final.
Payment of fines must occur within five (5) business days, unless in the appeals process, of the issue date posted on the citation. All fines are to be paid in person or by mail to the Minneapolis College Business Office, 1501 Hennepin Avenue S, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403. A copy of the citation must accompany payment.
To pay a citation: Citation payments are to be directed to the Business Office. Your copy of the citation must accompany payment. Make checks payable to Minneapolis College. Cash is acceptable. An additional penalty of $5.00 will be assessed for late payments.
Failure to pay this fine could result in:
- Your vehicle being immobilized or towed at owner's expense
- Loss of parking privileges on campus property
- College administrative sanctions
Failure to pay parking fines is a violation of college policy. Vehicles on record with more than one unpaid parking fines and no remaining appeals options may be towed without warning at the owner's expense. Additionally, students may have a hold placed on academic records until payments are received.
Who can I call for an escort to or from my car?
If for any reason you want an escort to or from your vehicle, please do not hesitate to stop by the Public Safety desk on the north side of the Hennepin Avenue skywalk and request an escort there. Or, you can stop by the ramp office and an escort will be summoned for you. If you want an escort from your vehicle, please push the assistance button at the ramp entrance and request an escort to meet you at your vehicle.
What do I do if I see suspicious or illegal activities in the ramp?
If you see any suspicious activity or vehicle accident of any kind in the ramp, please notify the Public Safety department or ramp office immediately. The ramp office is located in the parking ramp on the ground level; the public safety desk T.200 is located on the ramp side (north side) of the skywalk in the elevator lobby (3rd floor). Or you can call 612-659-6900 (Public Safety/Emergency) or 612-659-6835 (Ramp Office).
Ramp Capacity
The Minneapolis College ramp capacity is 1460 vehicles. The ramp is busiest during the minutes just before the hour, on the hour, as student arrive to attend their classes. Please be aware of this situation when coming to the campus to attend your classes.
Ramp Entrances
- Ramp entrances are right turn only off of Hennepin Ave., and right or left turn from Laurel Ave., on the north side of the building. It is illegal to make a left hand turn into the Minneapolis College parking ramp from Hennepin Ave., and the Minneapolis Police department actively enforces this restriction.
- The Minneapolis College ramp utilizes a "pay-as-you-enter" mechanical system that requires each customer to pay prior to entering the parking ramp.
Ramp Hours
Parking Ramp
Ramp vehicle hours are enforced, no overnight parking is allowed, but ramp usage hours are not limited to the ramp office hours. Check with ramp office (612-659-6835) for off hours parking restrictions.
Parking Ramp Office Hours:
- Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday: Varies
- Sunday: Closed
Special Events Parking
Special event parking may be arranged through the Director of Public Safety (612-659-6902) or the Ramp Office (612-659-6835).
- Customers are allowed to tow their own vehicle, for mechanical breakdown etc., using the towing service of their choosing.
- Vehicles cited for any violation, traffic obstruction or safety reason, may be towed by Minneapolis College authorized employees at the vehicle owner's expense.
Vehicles towed by the authorization of campus employees are towed to: Corky's Towing, phone: 763-381-7081, 4040 Washington Ave. S., Mpls.
- All towing fees are between Corky's Towing and the vehicle owner.
- Towing fees are not regulated by, nor the responsibility of, Minneapolis College, Minnesota State, or the State of Minnesota.
Vendor/contractor parking requires a permit. This is to be used by the vendor/contractor only during his/her visit on campus. Contractors working on campus and parking in lots "E" or "K" must have a contractor parking permit issued by the Facilities department or Parking Ramp office.