
Random Acts of Kindness

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As we navigate through our busy lives, sometimes we need to pause and reflect on the values that make our Minneapolis College community truly exceptional.

Random Acts of Kindness Week is a unique opportunity for us, as a community, to reflect on the values of compassion and empathy, and to experience the positive impact that small gestures can have. This week reminds us: Kindness is a powerful force that strengthens our bonds and creates a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.

This week I encourage you to engage in small acts of kindness—a simple smile; holding a door open; offering a helping hand. These acts of kindness all have the power to brighten someone’s day; they all contribute to the well-being of our community.

To quote Archbishop Desmond Tutu, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

This month, the Minneapolis College Foundation is promoting the theme, “Give from the Heart.” They are challenging us to learn more about the impact of giving, and to celebrate the excellent ways that we support Minneapolis College every day.

Consider the impact that a Random Acts of Kindness grant can have. For students who are experiencing a financial crisis, these grants provide emergency assistance by covering costs like books, school supplies, transportation, childcare—or any other expense that might interrupt their education.

Together, we can make Random Acts of Kindness Week a memorable and uplifting experience for everyone at Minneapolis College. Here’s wishing you a week filled with kindness, connection, and joy.


President Sharon Pierce

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