
Check Your Grades Online

Grades are typically available for you to view in eServices approximately 3-5 business days after the end of the semester or summer term.

To check your grades:

  1. Login to eServices
  2. Click on Grades and Transcripts
  3. Select the semester for which you want to view grades
  4. Click Continue

The screen should display your grades for the semester. Make sure to log out when you’re finished.

Contact your instructor directly for concerns or about missing grades if it is more than 5 business days since the end of the semester or summer term.

Auditing a Course

When you audit a course, you are not graded on performance. No credit is earned and the course is not calculated in your Minneapolis College GPA. To audit a course, you must select the audit grading option at the time of registration or until the Change Grade Method deadline posted on the College Calendar.

The symbol "AU" will appear in the grade column of your transcript. The fee for an audited course is the same as if taken for credit.

Audited courses:

  • Earn no credit
  • Do not transfer to other colleges
  • Do not meet requirements for a degree, certificate or program
  • Are not eligible for financial aid or VA benefits

Incomplete Grades

At the discretion of the instructor, you may be granted an incomplete grade (I) when the instructor believes you can be reasonably expected to complete the work for a course.

If a letter grade has not been submitted by the instructor by the eighth week of the next semester (not including summer term), the I grade will be converted to F (or NC, as applicable).

You are cautioned to utilize the Incomplete Grade option only when absolutely necessary, as a grade of I will count as credits attempted but not completed when calculating your completion rate for Satisfactory Academic Progress.