


Minnesota State Awards Grants for Innovation

Twenty-three projects at the colleges and universities of Minnesota State have been awarded grants that total $314,659 to fund educational innovations that show great potential for improving teaching, learning, and access for students.…

Constitution Week Campus Events

Constitution Week is an American observance to commemorate the adoption of the United States Constitution. First enacted in 1956, it has since become a time when civic activities related to voting rights and constitutional freedoms take…

12 Angry Jurors Play: October 24 - 27

The departments of Theater at Minneapolis College and Metropolitan State University present 12 Angry Jurors on October 24 - 27. by Reginald Rose Stage Version by Sherman L. Sergel Directed by…

Academic Success Center is Open for Student Success

The new Academic Success Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Technical Building (T.3200). We offer a modern, new environment for services including: Tutoring Computer Lab Speech Practice Lab Individual & Group Study Areas…

Welcome Week Fall 2018! September 4, 5, & 6

Minneapolis College Students - Connect With Your Community!  Minneapolis College Student Life brings Welcome Week to campus once again. It's a series of events that provide an opportunity for students to get acquainted with…