PSEO Students
Earn FREE college credit while in high school
Minneapolis College offers flexible classes for eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Challenge yourself academically and lower your overall cost for college with Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO).
- More than 90% of students who transferred their credits from Minneapolis College’s PSEO program had their credits accepted at other postsecondary institutions, including Minnesota State colleges, private colleges and out-of-state universities.
- High school students are more likely to attend college if they have participated in a dual-enrollment program like PSEO
- The credits students take in concurrent enrollment gives them a head start on their college career
- PSEO offers convenient course scheduling
"PSEO has taught me numerous skills, such as how to manage my time given that I was taking a full-time college course load alongside my extensive list of extracurriculars. PSEO gave me the opportunity to learn the necessary work/life balance to succeed."
— Rahma Farah, Minneapolis high school senior and full-time PSEO student
Apply as a PSEO Student
The Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEO) program is a state program for high school and home-schooled juniors and seniors, which offers the opportunity to enroll in and attend college-level courses and apply earned credits toward high school graduation requirements and a college degree.
The PSEO program pays for your tuition and textbooks for college-level courses (numbered 1000 level or higher) taken for high school and college credit. See below for eligibility requirements.
If you have been a PSEO student at Minneapolis College and you are graduating from high school, apply as a returning student instead of following the application steps on this page.
If you want to take classes in the summer, are from out-of-state or missed the application deadlines, you may apply for Minneapolis College’s High School Non-PSEO Program.
Upcoming Information Sessions
The session will provide prospective students and parents information on PSEO eligibility and the PSEO admissions process. This is NOT the required PSEO Orientation and Registration session that students complete after they are accepted. This is designed for students and parents who want to learn more and ask questions about PSEO at Minneapolis College.
PSEO Eligibility Requirements
Minneapolis Community & Technical College follows the PSEO admission guidelines set forth by the Minnesota State system.
Students need to meet one of the requirements based on their year in school.
10th Grade Requirements
Tenth grade students must have received a passing score of 850 or higher on the 8th-grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) in reading. If the student did not take the 8th-grade MCA, students can take the Accuplacer to meet eligibility requirements.
***Screenshots or pictures will not be accepted. Official MCA score records must be submitted to
Additional information about PSEO for 10th grade students:
- Tenth grade students are only allowed to take one class from the approved CTE list in their first semester.
- The classes that are available can be found under PSEO Classes for 10th Grade Students below on this webpage.
- If a 10th grade student receives a grade of C or better in the course they took first semester, the student can take any PSEO eligible class that they meet prerequisites for.
- Students must meet PSEO program eligibility as well as course prerequisites of the CTE course they wish to enroll in.
11th grade / High School Juniors:
- Must be in the upper one-third of High School class.
- If class rank is not noted on transcript, we will need a letter from a counselor that verifies the students meets this requirement.
- Have a test score at or above the 70th percentile on any nationally standardized, norm-referenced test such as the ITED, CAT (Timed Version), Aspire, PLAN, ACT, PSAT or SAT.
- The student needs to provide a copy of an official test score record.
- Screen-shots or pictures of these scores will not be accepted
- Juniors may also qualify with a High School GPA of 3.0 or higher.
12th grade / High School Seniors:
- Must be in the upper one-half of High school class.
- If class rank is not noted on transcript, we will need a letter from a counselor that verifies the students meets this requirement.
- Have a test score at or above 50th percentile on any nationally standardized, norm-referenced test such as the ITED, CAT (Timed Version), Aspire, PLAN, ACT, PSAT or SAT.
- The student needs to provide a copy of an official test score record.
- Screen-shots or pictures of these scores will not be accepted.
- Seniors may also qualify with a High School GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Note: 19-21 year old high school students follow the 12th grade criteria.
Work with your high school counselor to complete/send the PSEO Extended Eligibility paperwork and complete remaining Admission steps.
PSEO Classes for 10th Grade Students
Tenth grade students may register for one CTE (Career and Technical Education) course during their first semester enrolled. If they take a course during the fall semester and receive a letter grade of a “C” or higher, they may take any PSEO eligible courses that they meet prerequisites for.
The list below are the only classes 10th graders can take in their first semester in the PSEO program. Classes can be taken online or in-person.
Eligible Classes
- ACCT 1215 - Accounting Cycle
Architectural Technology:
- ARCH 1010 - Architectural Orientation
Business Management:
- BUSN - Any course
Child Development:
- ECED 1200 - Intro to Early Childhood Education
Graphic Design Print Media:
- GRPH 1101 - Typography 1
- GRPH 1130 - Introduction to Graphic Software
- GRPH 1540 - History of Graphic Design
- HLTH - Any course
Herbal Studies:
- Herb 1000 - Foundation of Herbal Medicine
Human Services:
- HSER 1001 - Intro to Human Services and Career Assessment
- HSER 1002 - Multicultural Aspects of Human Services Law Enforcement
Information Technology:
- ITEC - Any course
Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide:
- NAHA 1819 - Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide
Sleep Technology:
- PSOM 1000 - Introduction to Sleep Rest
This list is subject to change without notice.
Excluded PSEO Programs/Classes
For academic, financial and logistical reasons, not all Minneapolis College courses are eligible to PSEO students. Any student who registers for PSEO ineligible courses will be dropped unless prior permission and arrangements are made with the PSEO coordinator.
The following courses are not covered by PSEO funding and ineligible for PSEO enrollment at Minneapolis College:
Excluded Programs:
- All courses numbered under 1000
- All non-credit courses offered through Community Education or Workforce Development
- Aircraft Maintenance (ACMT)
- Architect Virtual Reality and Rendering (AVRR)
- Cinema (CINE)
- Music Lessons (MUSC)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Photography and Motion (PHMO)
- Sound Arts (SNDA)
Important: *** denotes PSEO Classes that students CAN take.
Music Classes (MUSC) PSEO students can take:
- MUSC any classes that are not lessons
- MUSC 1310: College Choir ***
- MUSC 1320: Vocal Ensemble ***
- MUSC 1330: Chamber Ensemble ***
- MUSC 1340: Jazz Ensemble 1 ***
Specific Excluded Courses:
- ART 1105: Introduction to Photography
This list is subject to change without notice 9/11/2024.
Application Deadlines
New Student Spring Semester Deadlines:
- Priority Deadline: November 1
- Final Deadline: December 2
New Student Fall Semester Deadlines:
- Priority Deadline: April 14
- Final Deadline: June 13
Returning Student Fall and Spring deadlines:
- Last Friday before the semester begins
Please see Application Steps section below for what is needed for a complete new student application.
Returning students just need to turn in new Notice of Student Registration that can be found in section for Current Students and Administrators.
Application Steps
All application items need to be submitted electronically by the application deadline.
Please note we are unable to take photographs of documentation but can accept scans and PDFs of transcripts and PSEO Notice of Student Registration forms.
Need a scanner to upload electronic documents? Try this app. It will help you send your document/s in so we can read them.
- Complete the PSEO online application by using the link below.
- Make sure to state you are in high school when asked on the application.
- If this step is answered incorrectly your application will not be processed correctly.
- Complete the PSEO online application
- Record your StarID in a safe place. You will need this information.
- After you submit the online application, you will receive a confirmation email.
- Make sure to state you are in high school when asked on the application.
- Submit your eligibility requirement
- High School Transcript
- Submit this information to
- Nationally standardized test score (Optional)
- Show us how you meet your grade level eligibility i.e. top half or top third nationally on the exam
- Submit this information to
- High School Transcript
- Submit a Notice of Student Registration (NOSR) fillable PDF form
- Please complete this NOSR form, fill out sections 1 and 2, including a signature from your school counselor or administrator and send it in to the PSEO email. When sending an email with PSEO materials please include student's name and what items are being sent in the subject line.
- Attend PSEO Orientation.
- PSEO Orientation is mandatory for all new PSEO students. During the Orientation, students will learn about campus resources, meet their College Navigator and register for classes.
Questions About Applying for the PSEO Program
We are happy to help you through this process or answer any questions, feel free to contact us!
For current PSEO Students and Administrators ( Forms and Links)
Documents for current students and administrators
- Notice of Student Registration fillable PDF form
- Excluded PSEO classes list PDF
- PSEO Suggested Course List for 10th Grade
- PSEO Suggested Course List for 2023
Helpful Links for PSEO students
- Ask Us PSEO
- Free PDF scanner -You can use your phone to upload documents to Minneapolis College
- Request an official transcript
- Course Placement
- FERPA and Student Directory Information - Information about giving access to your student account to your parents.
Meet with your College Navigator
Current students can schedule an in person or online appointment with their College Navigator through Navigate.
In person meetings and drop-ins are held in the Advising & Access suite (T.2500).
Appointment Hours
- Mondays | 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
- Tuesdays | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Wednesdays | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Thursdays | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Fridays | 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

College Navigator

College Navigator

College Navigator

PSEO Coordinator