
Ways To Give

Ways to Give to Minneapolis College

Please contact Beverly Wadsworth at beverly.wadsworth@minneapolis.edu or 612.659.6820 for more information on any of these giving options or to learn how to make a pledge commitment to the Minneapolis College Foundation and pay it over multiple years.

Donate Now:

Go to our secure online donation form

Donate Now:

Go to our secure online donation form

Donate Now:

Go to our secure online donation form

Donate Now:

Go to our secure online donation form

Donate Now:

Go to our secure online donation form

Monthly Gifts

Automated monthly gifts to Minneapolis College Foundation take the work out of supporting your favorite College cause all year long.

Credit Card or Check

Make one-time or monthly gifts to any Minneapolis College cause on our protected and secure website.

Matching Gifts

At no additional cost to you, double or even triple the impact of our gift to Minneapolis College by taking your employer up on their offer to match your gift.

Gifts In-Kind

Tangible personal property or commodities can be gifted to support important College programs and initiatives provide prior approval from both Minneapolis College and Foundation.

Corporate and Foundation Giving

View a list of corporate sponsors of Minneapolis College students.

Wills and Trusts

Including a gift to Minneapolis College in your will or trust is a meaningful way to provide future support to the College programs and students.


Stocks, bonds, treasuries, and other securities that have appreciated in value create a great gift opportunity. 

IRA Charitable Rollovers

Individuals 70 ½ or older can give directly to Minneapolis College from an IRA without paying federal income tax.

Endowment Gifts

Gifts that created an endowment provide strength and impact for Minneapolis College and its students beyond a lifetime. 

Faculty and Staff Giving

Minneapolis College employees can support Minneapolis College students and programs through payroll deduction while employed at the College and beyond through any of the means outlined here.  

Donor Advised Fund

DAFs are administered by a public charity to which you make gift contributions. Your donor advised fund representative can recommend grants from this fund to Minneapolis College.