Minneapolis College Votes!

Campus Vote Coordinator
- Tara Martinez | Director of Student Life | H.2913 | 612-659-6760 | Tara.Martinez@minneapolis.edu
2025 Election Dates
- June 27 through August 11 ~ Vote by mail or in person for the Primary
- July 22 ~ Register in advance by July 22 to save time on Primary Election Day
- August 12 ~ Primary Election
- September 19 through November 3 ~ Vote by mail or in person
- October 14 ~ Register in advance by October 14 to save time on Election Day
- November 4 ~ Election Day
Just the FAQs
What is a primary? What is a general election?
Primary elections determine which candidates will appear on the general election ballot. General elections determine who wins an elected office.
How do I register?
Registering to vote is quick and easy! There are four ways to register: use a paper form, register at your polling place, automatic registration, and online registration.
Who can vote in the primary and general elections?
- I will have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day
- Your Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota identification card number, or the last four numbers of your Social Security number
- An email address
To be eligible to vote in Minnesota you will need to re-register if your name or address changes.
Find out more and register to vote.
How do I vote?
There are several ways you can vote in the primary and the general election:
- In-person on election day at your designated polling place. Find your polling location here.
- Vote early in-person at your county election office.
- Vote by mail using an absentee ballot. Order a mail-in ballot here.
For students from a state other than Minnesota who wish to register and vote in that state, check the elections forms, requirements, and absentee voting procedures at that state’s Secretary of State’s website, or find it here.
Find more helpful information at Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State and at VOTE411.
Who can vote in the primary and general elections?
To vote, all of these must be true:
- I will be at least 18 years old on Election Day
- I am a citizen of the United States
- I will have resided in Minnesota for 20 days immediately preceding Election Day
- I am not under court-ordered guardianship in which the court order revokes my right to vote
- I have not been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote
- If I have been convicted of a felony, my felony sentence has expired (been completed) or I have been discharged from my sentence
Library Resources
Visit the Elections and Voting Research Guide webpage for more information.