Why Collegiate Recovery at Minneapolis College?
- Students in recovery looking for support
- Our history of being an addiction counselor training college
- Positive impact on student outcomes
- Connection with and support from community
- Students in need of support and students in recovery should feel safe and supported
- 1st CRP at a 2-year institution in Minnesota
About Us
Minneapolis College’s Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) is a program within the Division of Student Affairs, founded in 2017. The CRP is committed to supporting all students in recovery from substance use disorders and other behavioral concerns. We are here to help our students achieve academic and personal success.
Minneapolis College's Collegiate Recovery Program has been named by the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) as the 100th collegiate program related to recovery in Higher Education. Among the nation's 1,462 community colleges, Minneapolis College has the 5th ARHE-recognized program (at a 2-year institution) aimed at supporting all students in recovery through interpersonal and cross-cultural communications.
The CRP is a collaborative effort between the University of Minnesota’s Boynton Health Clinic, Minneapolis College’s Addiction Counseling academic program, Student Affairs & Student Life and our Addiction Counseling Club.
The program is staffed by a full-time coordinator (Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor), Interns, student workers and Peer Recovery Navigators. We are supported by a strong diverse Community Advisory Council, a committed Staff and Faculty Leadership Team.
All-Recovery Meeting
- Wednesdays at 3 p.m.
- In person and online via Zoom
"We can do something about this issue or simply leave our heads in the sand."
- Dr. Sharon Pierce, President, Minneapolis College
The Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) has a drop-in center located at H.2100 . Stop by to do some homework, eat lunch, attend a meeting, get/give support or just fellowship and network with other students.
For more information contact:
Krista Tomford, Coordinator
Location: H.2100
Hours: Our year-round schedule is updated regularly and is based on needs of students and CRP events and activities.
Email: crp@minneapolis.edu
Phone: 651-659-6761