Student Life Budget Committee Funding Guidelines
The Student Life Budget Committee (SLBC) is a committee of the Student Senate. It is comprised entirely of students with an ex-officio advisor. The SLBC oversees the management and disbursement of Student Life fees in a viewpoint neutral manner, in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 2.8.
Funding Process
Each spring term, the Student Life Budget Committee develops a budget for the following fiscal year that funds clubs, organizations, activities and student fee-funded departments.
In spring ‘17, the Student Senate voted to approve a funding process where all clubs receive a \$200 starting budget, with earmarked funds for specific re-occurring events and incentives for club development activities through Student Life.
In spring 2020, the Student Senate voted to approve the Food Security Budget to allocate clubs with additional budget of $200 for food expenses for the fiscal year at club meetings, events, and more.
Reoccurring Event Funding
The SLBC identified club events that are long-standing traditions or annual expenses and earmarked funding for these events in the general club fund. To find out which events are included in this fund, please contact the Senate’s Director of Finance or Student Life staff. In order to access these earmarked funds, clubs will need to present their budget plan and event plan to the Director of Student Life.
The Director of Student Life will make a request for funds to be transferred from the general club fund to the club’s cost center. The Director of Student Life may then request the transfer of funds.
Club Development Incentives
Each semester, Student Life offers opportunities that support the growth and development of clubs and their members. The SLBC will give financial incentives to clubs for sending a club participant to the following events during both the fall and spring terms: Connections Fair, Club Conference, and Club Leadership Retreat.
A club will earn \$50 for each event attended (must be present for 75% of the event) and will receive \$150 for attending all three events plus \$500 (a total of $650).
Requesting Additional Funds
- All clubs are encouraged to request additional funds from the SLBC for events, travel, etc.
- In order to request funds from the SLBC, organizations/clubs/activities must be in good standing (no current probations, suspensions, or disciplinary violations).
- Clubs must be chartered for at least one full semester before they can request funds for travel / plan a fair/festival-type event and clubs need to complete the early semester registration forms in order to request any additional monies/get incentivized monies.
- To make a request to the SLBC, please contact the Senate Director of Finance (SLBC chair) or stop by the Student Senate Office (H.2903) to set up a meeting with the SLBC. The Director of Finance (SLBC Chair) and Student Senate Vice President may approve funding requests for $200 or less upon mutual agreement.
Proposals for an event must be submitted to the Student Life Budget Committee at least 21 days prior to the event (more lead time is required for out-of-state travel and larger events).
Requests must meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrate the mission, goals and activities of the group requesting funds
- Be relevant to Minneapolis College’s mission and vision
- Include a fiscally responsible budget
- Proposals must not duplicate already available services
- Be followed up by attendance at the pertinent SLBC meeting
For Requests Specific to Events
- The proposed event/purchase must be open/available to all Minneapolis College students, or if it is only open to members of an organization, membership must be open to all Minneapolis College students, free of charge
- Marketing materials (i.e. websites, posters, social media, etc.) must indicate the event was funded with Student Life fees
- After a request is approved, the organization must provide confirmation that the event took place and money was spent properly
The SLBC will NOT Fund:
- Individual membership dues/fees to societies, associations or professional organizations
- Food / beverages for regularly-scheduled meetings or for on-going office support (i.e. coffee, sugar, condiments or other consumables)
- Cash awards or prizes
- Minneapolis College cannot hire/pay Minneapolis College students or employees of the State of Minnesota as a vendor
- Alcohol
- Clothing (event t-shirts would be the only exception)
- Any requests for apparel must be less than \$25/item; clubs are limited to one apparel order per year, with no more than \$250 spent in total
- Donations to the Minneapolis Community and Technical College Foundation or other external charitable organizations
- Contributions to scholarships or grants to individuals
Additional Funding Guidelines
- If a request for event catering exceeds $1,000, 10% of the total catering costs must be fundraised by the club.
- If a request for event catering exceeds $2,000, 20% of the total catering costs must be fundraised by the club.
Off Campus Activities
- All off-campus events, activities and travel must have a portion of the expenses paid through fundraising. If expenses total \$2,000 or more, 20% must be fundraised. If expenses total less than \$2,000, 10% must be fundraised.
- The meal per diem is set at \$36/day for students traveling via Student Life (\$9 breakfast / \$11 lunch / \$16 dinner) or \$44/day if in a metro area (\$11 breakfast / \$13 lunch / $20 dinner).
Partial Funding
- The SLBC has the discretion to subject proposals to partial funding if an organization is requesting more than \$200 or if the cost per student is deemed excessive.
- All funding will be allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis. When there are more proposals than money available, requests may be partially funded.
Funding Caps and Reallocation
- Reallocation of unused event funds is at the discretion of the SLBC in association with school administration.
- No student club / organization may receive more than 10% of the initial club fund (cost center 581100) in a given academic year.
- No student club/organization may receive more than 10% of the initial club travel budget.
- Earmarked allocations for reoccurring events in a given academic year do not count towards the annual funding cap.
- All proposals in excess of \$10,000 must include at least two separate vendor quotes unless service or good is unique to that vendor (sole source).
Reserves Funding
Reserves funding may be requested if one of the following conditions is met. Consultation for reserves spending shall occur within Student Senate when the governing body is in session.
- The purchase is tangible and can be left for future student use (i.e. furniture for the Senate Office).
- The situation is unexpected and could not have been foreseen (i.e. a group competes at a local/regional level and is then able to advance to Nationals).
- The current overall Student Life budget is exhausted and there is an urgent need for additional funding. This only occurs after extensive consultation between the Student Senate President and the President of the College.