
Minneapolis College Advocates


You know your own story.

You know what you care about.

Your story and ideas can help shape legislation.

2024 Legislative Request

An even-year session is considered a bonding year, where lawmakers traditionally pass a bill to issue bonds to pay for infrastructure projects around the state.

Minnesota State is requesting $541.4 million for infrastructure projects, which includes \$200 million for the Board of Trustees number one priority of asset preservation (HEAPR). Minneapolis College’s HEAPR projects fall into the areas of health/safety and roof/exteriors.

HEAPR funding ensures that Minneapolis College has the means to address deficiencies in campus facilities and is focused on keeping campus safe, warm, and dry.

The remaining \$341.4 million is being requested for 15 major, campus-specific capital projects. Minneapolis College is not included, having already received \$20.5 million in funding to complete the Management Education Center renovation project last session.

Minnesota State is also requesting \$61 million in a supplemental budget request for operational spending to support increases in campus expenses resulting from compensation and other cost increases over the biennium. This financial stabilization funding requested by Minnesota State would mean over \$2 million for Minneapolis College.  

What can you do?

Whether you’re a student or an employee, an alum or a neighbor, Minneapolis College has impacted your life. Telling lawmakers your story shows them the value of Minneapolis College and of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Ask yourself three questions:

  • Why am I part of Minneapolis College?
  • What difference has Minneapolis College made in my life?
  • How would I help Minneapolis College if I had the power to do so?

By answering these questions, you’ll find your story to tell legislators. Don’t worry about knowing the College’s most pressing needs. Don’t sweat the details of budgets, proposed projects or requests. Simply contacting your legislator with your story will make the difference.

When lawmakers hear the real impact of their decisions, it will secure a better result for Minneapolis College this legislative session.