Our library has a wide variety of resources to help you with your studies. Our print collection includes over 50,000 books, which are organized by subject on the second floor. We also provide access to over 500,000 ebooks, which you can read from anywhere. Our collection focuses on nonfiction titles that support Minneapolis College courses, and we also have classic literature, graphic novels, and more.
Magazines, Journals & Newspapers
We provide access to thousands of magazines, journals and newspapers from around the world. Full text access to articles is provided through multiple general and subject specific databases. Many of these databases can be searched through a single interface: OneSearch. A few highlights include:
- Full access to the New York Times and Star Tribune websites
- High quality peer reviewed journals
- Traditional magazine layout of select titles through Flipster
Video, Audio & Images
Two of our most popular streaming video databases are Films on Demand and Docuseek. These databases offer hundreds of hours of streaming video, including documentaries and educational content. We also have a variety of other video, audio, and image collections available through our databases.
Encyclopedias & Reference
Our encyclopedia and other reference material is available through our online collections. Check out Gale Ebooks, CQ Researcher, and other reference resources.

Alternative Media
A highlight of our library is our alternative media collection. To support the needs of our unique, nontraditional college community, a substantial collection of alt press books, magazines, and other resources are available on our shelves and online. Our alternative media offering includes zines, a collection of independent, self published magazines.
Textbooks and Course Material
Our Course Reserves Collection features material provided by instructors for specific courses. In select cases, instructors are able to provide one or more copies of the current textbook. Course reserve material is available at the circulation desk, and has varying check out periods.