
Policy 4.01




Part 1. Purpose

Admission refers to a student's initial entrance into Minneapolis College. This policy and its respective procedure establish the standards and guidelines around admissions at Minneapolis College. 

Part 2. Definition

Admission: A student's initial entrance into Minneapolis College.

International Student: A non-U.S. citizen or non-U.S. immigrant who has been granted F-1 visa status from the U.S. Department of State to pursue a full-time course of study.

Visiting Student: A student admitted at another college or university as their home institution who is taking at least one course at Minneapolis College.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) Student: A high school sophomore, junior, or senior, who may qualify to enroll in and attend college-level courses and apply earned credits toward high school graduation requirements and a college degree.

Non-Degree Seeking Student: A student not seeking a degree, diploma, or certificate at Minneapolis College, and not eligible for financial aid.

Senior Citizen: A person who has reached 62 years of age before the beginning of any term, semester, or quarter in which a course of study is pursued, or a person receiving a railroad retirement annuity who has reached 60 years of age before the beginning of the term. Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 135A.51, provides for senior citizens who are legal residents of Minnesota to enroll in audit credit courses on a space-available basis without payment of tuition and activity fees.

Transformation and Reentry through Education and Community (TREC): A college program in which incarcerated individuals at certain State of Minnesota correctional facilities may enroll in a degree-seeking program offered by Minneapolis College. This program also serves formerly incarcerated and justice-impacted people.    

Part 3. General Admissions

Minneapolis College considers all applicants for admission regardless of, race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status regarding public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, familial status or membership, or activities in a local commission as defined by law.

The College follows an open-door admission policy which means that any individual who has graduated from an accredited high school or successfully completed a General Education Development (GED) examination, adult diploma, or will be enrolled in an Ability to Benefit (ATB) program is eligible for admission.

Admission to Minneapolis College does not automatically qualify a student for all college-level courses and programs. Some programs may require special prerequisites and requirements.

Subpart A. Enrollment Limitations for Some Programs

Additional or other admission requirements may apply to other categories or programs, some of these include but are not limited to: Minnesota non-residents, international, post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO), special high school, and Transformation and Reentry through Education and Community (TREC). 

Subpart B. Students Currently on Suspension

Students currently on suspension from another Minnesota State college or university may be admitted to Minneapolis College but must have a successful transfer suspension appeal to enroll in classes at Minneapolis College. Students on suspension from another Minnesota State college or university who are eligible to re-enroll in a future term at that college or university are also able to do so at Minneapolis College starting the eligible term without completing a Transfer Suspension Appeal.

All previous suspensions based on conduct must be reviewed and approved by the Minneapolis College student conduct officer.

Students with a financial hold at another college or university may be admitted to Minneapolis College but will need to resolve the financial hold before being allowed to enroll in classes. (See college Procedure 4.01.01, Part 7 for additional information.)

Subpart C. International Students

Persons of foreign countries interested in studying at Minneapolis College as F-1 visa international students must complete the international student application process. Upon admission, international students will be issued an I-20 document so they may be granted F-1 visa status by the U.S. Department of State, through a U.S. consulate. International students must pursue full-time study unless a Designated School Official grants permission to drop below full-time student status. International students are also required to be registered under the federal Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

Subpart D. Visiting Students

are not admitted into Minneapolis College. These students are considered visiting students. Visiting students may enroll for up to eight credits per semester at Minneapolis College.

A visiting student's total number of enrolled credits at all Minnesota State system colleges and universities shall not exceed 22 in any semester. 

Visiting students must satisfy course prerequisites for Minneapolis College

Subpart E. Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) Students

A post-secondary enrollment option (PSEO) student is a Minnesota high school sophomore, junior or senior who meets the qualifications to enroll in and attend college-level courses. PSEO students can apply earned credits toward high school graduation requirements and toward a college degree once admitted to a program. Applicants to the college's PSEO program who do not meet the qualifications may appeal the admissions criteria through the Admissions Office.

Subpart F. Secondary Student Enrollment Outside of PSEO

  • Secondary students who are not enrolled at the College through the PSEO program may be admitted to enroll in courses outside of the PSEO program for any term, including the summer term. Students must satisfy course prerequisites for Minneapolis College to register. Students are responsible for the payment of tuition, fees, and books. These students must: Meet Minneapolis College admission requirements
  • Be eligible for the Pell Grant under applicable federal regulations, and
  • Enter a degree-seeking program. 

Part 4. Appeal

Applicants denied admissions to the College may appeal an admissions decision to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Owner(s) Title: Vice President of Student Affairs

Date of Adoption: Original date not currently documented.

Date of Implementation (if different from adoption date): N/A

Date Last Amended: 5/8/2024 (Focused Review) 

History and Subject of Revisions: 5/8/2024 (Updated visiting student information and suspension status information for clarity and accuracy to standards and practices, added TREC Program information), 6/9/2022 (Comprehensive), 5/20/2021 (Comprehensive review, clarification of processes and updates to reflect current practices), 7/12/2018 (General updates)

Regulatory Authority (e.g. Minnesota State policy, federal or state law): Minnesota State Board Policy 3.4 Undergraduate Admissions, Minnesota State Board Procedure 3.4.1 Undergraduate Admissions, Minnesota State Board Policy 3.5 Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program, Minnesota State Board Procedure 3.5.1 Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) Program