


Veteran's Recognition Event Starts Outside by the Flagpole, November 7

"Our Families Serve with Us"  Event Agenda:

First-Generation Celebration on Thursday, November 7

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | T.Skyway

Student/Alumni Art @SODA Showcase; Grand Opening Nov. 8, City Ctr.

Please join Hennepin Theatre Trust and Minneapolis College at a reception to celebrate the grand opening of a pop-up art gallery featuring the works of students and alumni of the Minneapolis College School of Design and the Arts.…

Student Accordion Fold Drawings on Display in the Library Now - Nov. 8

The Accordion Fold Book Project from Laura Andrews' Drawing 1 class is now on display in the lobby of the Library through Nov. 8. In this project, students were studying contour line technique, methods of developing implied texture and…

Apply Free Oct. 28 to Nov. 1 for College Knowledge Month

The goal of College Knowledge Month is to provide every graduating high school senior with the preparation, opportunity, and support needed to apply to college. During 10/28 - 11/1, the application fee is waived at…