
Why Treaties Matter Exhibit, Oct. 29 - Nov. 30

Why Treaties Matter Poster

Opening Reception

October 29, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. | T.1400

American Indian Flutist:
Jeffrey Chapman, Adjunct faculty, Minneapolis College

Dr. David Wilkins, McKnight Presidential Professor of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota


Minneapolis College is proud to host the nationally recognized, award-winning, Why Treaties Matter: Self-Government in the Dakota and Ojibwe Nations exhibit created in partnership by the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian.

It will be displayed from October 22 to November 30, 2018.

The exhibit explores relationships between Dakota and Ojibwe Indian Nations and the U.S. government in this place we now call Minnesota. Learn how treaties affected the lands and lifeways of the indigenous peoples of this place, and why these binding agreements between nations still matter today.

Today, treaties continue to affirm the inherent sovereignty of American Indian nations. Tribal governments maintain nation-to-nation relationships with the United States government. Tribal nations manage lands, resources, and economies, protect people, and build more secure futures for generations to come. That is Why Treaties Matter.

Why Treaties Matter Display at Minneapolis College
Light refreshments and tour of the exhibit to follow the reception program.

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