
TRIO Student Support Services Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

TRIO 50th Anniversary Logo

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the TRIO Student Support Services Program!  Student Support Services (SSS) is one of the eight federal TRIO programs that serve post-secondary students who are first-generation, income eligible or who has a disability but demonstrates an academic need for support.  

Student Support Services was first authorized in the 1968 reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, which established President Lyndon B. Johnson’s goal of seeing that “no American talent is wasted.”


The SSS programs are designed to increase the college retention and graduation/transfer rates of its participants.  These programs assists students to better understand their educational opportunities and motivate them to successful completion of their associate and/or baccalaureate degrees. There are SSS projects in all 50 states, including Guam and Puerto Rico, and some projects target students with disabilities, veterans, English is a Second Language, interested in STEM, and teaching.  There are 1,069 projects that serve 202,913 students. 

TRIO Starting Point (SSS) was established in 1980 at Minneapolis College. Starting Point currently has 3 projects and has successfully served nearly 10,000 students!  For 38 years, Starting Point has demonstrated it’s firm commitment to college access and success of students who are underserved and underrepresented.  Our impactful legacy has supported Minneapolis College’s mission, vision, and values which includes access to the transformative power of education and excellence within an inclusive, student-centered environment.

In honor of SSS 50th Anniversary, TRIO Starting Point will be celebrating with various events throughout the 2018-19 academic year, see the save-the-date calendar below.  

As stated so eloquently by Dr. Jennifer Brookins-King, director, “this monumental occasion is about celebrating 50 years of student success stories, celebrating the past and embracing the future!”  Starting Point shares a heart-felt thank you to the Minneapolis College community for it’s long-standing support of our program goals as we armed our resilient students with hope and opportunity for a better, brighter future. 

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