
Theater Department presents From Behind the Sun, Feb. 21 - Mar. 2

couple in front of street map

by Stanley Kipper and Laura Drake

Directed by Brian Grandison
Produced by Gail Smogard

February 21, 22, 23 and March 1 starting at 7:00 p.m.

February 23 and March 2 starting at 1:00 p.m.

Performances at the Whitney Fine Arts Theatre - Minneapolis Campus:
1424 Yale Place | Minneapolis

The Minneapolis College Parking Ramp is next to the Basilica on Hennepin Avenue with a skyway to the College campus across the street.

Community members are invited to attend the premiere of From Behind the Sun, a co-production by Minneapolis College and Metropolitan State University. The play is based on the experiences of Playwright Stanley Kipper during the spring of 1956, when his determined father and mother moved the family from Nicollet Park to the red-lined district of south Minneapolis.

Admission is free, although attendees are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the food shelf.

Co-written with Laura Drake, From Behind the Sun has been in workshop with the Playwright’s Center and in further development with Minneapolis College faculty and director Brian Grandison, and Metropolitan State theater director and dramaturge, Gail Smogard.

“This over-60-year-old story about strong individuals and the challenges they faced, still resonates today,” Smogard says. “Stanley’s story goes beyond red lining, exploring its effects on his family and the values that are part of becoming a person—perhaps not of wealth—but of substance.”

Based on a true story. Read more about this story from columnist Jon Bream in the Star Tribune.

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