First-Generation College Students Celebrated at Minneapolis College
Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) Director Janet Tauer and TRIO Starting Point Director Dr. Jennifer Brookins-King co-led a First-Generation (First-Gen) campus event with the goal of celebrating past and current first-generation students and staff that support them at Minneapolis College.
First-Gen event panelists photo, from left: Holly Fairchild, faculty; Dr. Sharon Pierce, Mpls. College President; Joshua Morrison, TRIO Starting Point student; Jennifer Brookins-King, TRiO Starting Point Director (panel moderator); Alisa Higgins, TRIO Starting Point alumna; Kate Germ, TRiO Starting Point Advisor.
The event, which took place in November 2018, celebrated the grit, determination and achievement in being a First-Gen college student at Minneapolis College. This educated the campus community about how TRIO Starting Point and Minneapolis College are joining other TRIO programs and colleges and universities in making a positive impact on their futures.
“First-Gen students are making an indelible mark on the fabric of America,” said Tauer.
Both Student Body and Staff Have First-Gens
“This event is a constant reminder about the power of First-Gen college students and graduates,” said Dr. Brookins-King, herself a First-Gen. “It’s honoring our presence on college campuses, our unique abilities, and our unlimited potential to shape the world, as we have successfully demonstrated!”
The campus-wide celebration highlighted First-Gen students, faculty, staff and administrators through an inspiring speakers’ panel, celebratory bios, a “Proud to Be First-Gen" Wall for participants to sign, First-Gen button making, a resource table and refreshments.
History of the First-Gen Movement
On November 8, 2017, the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the Center for First-Generation Student Success launched the inaugural First-Generation College Celebration. Due to the initial success, COE and the Center partnered to make this day of celebration an annual event. Colleges and universities across the U.S. now celebrate the success of First-Generation students, alum, staff, faculty and administrators annually.
“Millions of students who have benefitted from the programs created by the Higher Education Act have subsequently helped shape our country as astronauts, judges, scientists, politicians, scholars, writers, business leaders and more,” said Maureen Hoyler, COE President.