
Equity and Inclusion COVID-19 Anti-Stigma and Bias Statement

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Dear Minneapolis College Community,​

We understand that we are in unprecedented times. We are experiencing uncertainty and angst. We want to begin this note by expressing our deepest concern for our community members here at Minneapolis College, across the country, and beyond our borders across the globe. We know that many of our community members have been coping with the impact of COVID-19. Our hearts go out to you as you deal with the added burden of often not being near your loved ones, who may be out of state or out of the country. 

In the face of the increasing toll this virus is having on us here in the United States and throughout our global community, we aim to support you in any way we can. We are dedicated to continuing our work in building an inclusive and supportive Minneapolis College community, no matter how much distance we have between us. It is imperative that we look for opportunities to have meaningful dialogue on our campus and develop a collective strategy to respond to this health crisis. It is essential that we carve out time to address the well-being of our students and employees.

We also understand that many in our community are dealing with the despicable burden of experiencing bias and stigma because of their race, ethnicity or nationality. Particularly, we are aware of the reprehensible behavior by those who correlate this virus with people of Chinese descent. We wholeheartedly rebuke this behavior, and emphasize the fact that our Chinese students, staff and faculty, as well as other community members of Asian descent who may also be experiencing this bias and stigma, are valued and beloved members of our Minneapolis College community.

While we have not received any reports of bias or discrimination related to COVID-19 to date, we want to ensure that we will take swift action if anyone in our community has been targeted. If you experience or witness any bias or harassment please report it to Human Resources, the Student Support Center or contact Public Safety Office at 612-659-6900. It is comforting to see that Governor Walz launched a discrimination reporting helpline.

We must all continue to confront and fight against bias and discrimination, educate ourselves as much as possible, and maintain perspective.  Viruses can make anyone sick, regardless of race or nationality. Help stop the stigma related to COVID-19 by learning the facts from reputable sources such as the CDC and WHO.

This is a frightening, isolating and stressful time for all of us. However, it also presents an opportunity for us to see the humanity in others, embrace kindness and respect, and support and uplift our fellow humans both near and far. We thank you all in advance for your collective action and investment in our community. We wish you all health, safety, and strength during this time.


woman and a man
President Sharon Pierce and VP of Student Affairs & Interim CDO Patrick Troup

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