
Career Coordinator Scharpen Gets Fellowship to Benefit CTE Students


Jared Scharpen was recently accepted as a 2020-2021 Postsecondary Leadership Success Program (PLSP)-ECMC Foundation Fellow through the Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Jared has worked in postsecondary education for over 6 years, and in his current role as Career Coordinator for the Minneapolis College Career Services Department, he coordinates programming and services provided to Career & Technical Education (CTE) students.

Jared has worked authentically towards empathic cultural fluency in order to equitably serve his students while coaching them along their career pathways. Jared also works with hiring managers and organizational leaders in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area to ensure pathways that value and include the students he serves.

How students will benefit from Scharpen’s work 

During his fellowship, Jared will be working on a career exposure program for the Career Services Department, where he will work with employer partners willing to offer job shadowing, informational interviews, and internship opportunities to help students explore and gain career exposure to their major at Minneapolis College. Throughout the process, he will receive mentoring through various professionals with the support of his supervisor, peer fellows, and an industry mentor.

In addition, he will get to attend the ACTE National Policy Seminar in Washington, D.C. and present at the ACTE 2020 CareerTech VISION Conference on his fellowship project. The Fellowship is generously sponsored by the ECMC Foundation, which will cover all of Jared’s expenses throughout the year. The Career Services Department is very proud of Jared and looks forward to the year ahead!

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