
Assoc. of Recovery in Higher Education Includes Minneapolis College

Collegiate Recovery Program at Minneapolis College

Minneapolis College's Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) is a program within the Division of Student Affairs, founded in 2017. The CRP is committed to supporting all students in recovery from substance use disorders to finding academic and personal success.

Minneapolis College's Collegiate Recovery Program has been named by the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) as the 100th collegiate program related to recovery in Higher Education. Among the nation's 1,462 community colleges, MCTC has the 5th ARHE-recognized program aimed at supporting all students in recovery through interpersonal and cross-cultural communications.

The CRP is a collaborative effort between the University of Minnesota's Boynton Health Clinic and Minneapolis College's Addiction Counseling academic program, Student Affairs and Student Life, and our 10-year old Addiction Counseling Club. The collaboration extends into the greater metro area with a number of programs and community resources. The program is coordinated by the Dean of Students and employees a ½ time Addiction Counseling professional and two ½ time student workers, and a number of individual personal recovery coaches.

For more information about Minneapolis College's Collegiate Recovery Program, visit the CRP Website.

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