
3rd Annual Mental Health Awareness Day and Resource Fair

Mental Health Awareness

3rd Annual Mental Health Awareness Day at Minneapolis College

Stamp Out Stigma!

Tuesday | Oct. 17, 2017

10:15" 11:45 a.m. | T.1400

"In Our Own Voice," Kim Sherva & Teri Homan, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), MN Chapter

Understand the journey of two individuals with mental illness in recovery through their personal stories. Topics discussed are: Dark Days, Acceptance, Treatment, Coping Skills, and Successes, Hope and Dreams.

11:30 a.m." 1:30 p.m. | T Skyway

Mental Health Agency Resource Fair

Visit with local mental health agencies who will be on campus to provide information about their services. Remember, knowing about and accessing resources is key!

12:00 p.m. - 2 p.m. | T.1400

Mental Health Screening

Join us in taking a free, brief and anonymous screening designed to help determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional.  Results will be available immediately following the questionnaire as well as recommendations and resources for you to access. 

Refreshments Served and Raffle Prizes to be Awarded,  Bluetooth Speaker and More!

For more information, please contact the Student Support Center at 612-659-6709.

Sponsored by Minneapolis College's Student Support Center & Diversity Office

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