Minneapolis College Advocates

You know your own story.
You know what you care about.
Your story and ideas can help shape legislation.
2025 Legislative Request
The biennial budget request for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities seeks funding for a two-year period from the state legislature. About half of Minneapolis College’s operating budget comes from tuition that students pay, the other half comes from funding from the Minnesota Legislature. This funding is critical.
Minnesota State is requesting $465 million in new funding over the biennium, including:
- $40 million for student support,
- $40 million for workforce-focused initiatives,
- $285 million for student affordability and system operations, and
- $100 million for critical infrastructure, which includes $50 million for asset preservation (HEAPR).
If fully funded, Minneapolis College would receive \$10.6 million for student affordability and campus operations and \$2.1 million for high-need support services over the biennium.
Minnesota State is also requesting $552.3 million in Capital funding, including:
- $200 million for asset preservation/HEAPR
- $352.3 million for campus projects
At Minneapolis College, HEAPR projects address health and safety needs and roof/exterior improvements. HEAPR funding ensures Minneapolis College can address campus facility deficiencies, keeping the campus safe, warm, and dry.
The 26 colleges and seven universities of Minnesota State play a vital role in equipping the workforce with essential skills across numerous sectors of the economy. They are invaluable assets, enhancing the economic, social, and cultural vibrancy of the communities they serve. Minnesota State’s biennial request represents a crucial investment in Minneapolis College and the long-term strength of our economy.
What can you do?
Whether you’re a student or an employee, an alum or a neighbor, Minneapolis College has impacted your life. Telling lawmakers your story shows them the value of Minneapolis College and of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Ask yourself three questions:
- Why am I part of Minneapolis College?
- What difference has Minneapolis College made in my life?
- How would I help Minneapolis College if I had the power to do so?
By answering these questions, you’ll find your story to tell legislators. Don’t worry about knowing the College’s most pressing needs. Don’t sweat the details of budgets, proposed projects or requests. Simply contacting your legislator with your story will make the difference.
When lawmakers hear the real impact of their decisions, it will secure a better result for Minneapolis College this legislative session.
Email your legislator
A thoughtful email with your personal story can make a great impression.
Tell them your story:
- Why you support Minneapolis College
- What difference the College makes in your life
- How they can help the College
Stay positive and courteous.
Tag your legislator
Tagging your legislator on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn can be surprisingly effective. Most legislators use these social media channels often.
Find your elected officials and tag them to say hello, share your opinion, or ask a question. Remember, be positive and courteous.
Consider including hashtags such as #MplsCollege #FundMplsCollege #FundMinnState
Call your legislator
Look up your lawmaker. Once you have their number, this is quick and easy. Most of the time you’ll need to leave a message.
When you leave a message, give your name and then express your thoughts concisely. Say why Minneapolis College is important to you. Stay positive. If they call you back, don't be intimidated. Simply have a conversation. Remember to remind them that you are a voter, and that Minneapolis College is important to you. Ask for their support.
Register to vote
Lawmakers at the Minnesota State Capitol and at the federal capitol in Washington D.C. are shaping your future. Make your voice heard—register and vote.