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Give Back

Give from the HEART

Sustained giving annually, monthly and planned giving ensure the success of Minneapolis College students today and for generations to come. It helps create a more vibrant and equitable community and is one of the best ways for you to create a lasting impact in our community.

During the month of February, we invite you to consider what you are most passionate about, then express and exercise that passion through sustainable giving to an area of Minneapolis College Foundation that matches your passion. Passion builds, strengthens, and powers community. It provides the focus and energy for what we do and it’s why we do it.

Why Giving Matters

The generosity of Minneapolis College employees reflects an unwavering commitment to the College and a powerful belief in the potential within our students. Employee gifts will have an immediate impact. Every year, the Minneapolis College Foundation provides scholarships and emergency assistance awards to students in need. The more people who give, the greater the collective impact will be.

The Importance of Sustainable Giving

Sustaining donations are important because they provide steady, dependable support. Choose either pre-tax payroll deduction to be withheld automatically each pay period, or set up monthly gifts using a credit card.

Explore These Sustainable Giving Options

Pre-tax Payroll Deduction Form   Set Up a Monthly Gift

During the month of February, receive a Give from the Heart mug as our special gift to you for making a new sustaining gift or increasing the amount of an existing sustaining gift.

Foundation Team