Spring Choir Concert
5/03/24 - 7:00 - 8:45 p.m.

Enjoy beautiful singing at the Spring Choir Concert featuring the Minneapolis College Choir.
Friday May 3, 7 p.m. in the Whitney Fine Arts Theater, 1424 Yale Place
The concert, directed by Elizabeth Pauly and accompanied by Christopher Wolter will feature the choirs’ characteristic blend of art music with folk and traditional music from across the globe. From Jocelyn Hagen’s stunning "On My Dreams" to Dan Davison’s jazz-inspired "El Grillo," this concert is not to be missed. Children are welcome.
Special guests include Julie Johnson, flute, Dee Langley, accordion, and Evan Espinoza Robles, percussion.
2024-05-03T19:00:00 ! 2024-05-03T20:45:00