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Yoga Teacher Training

What it is

Become a steward of yoga by learning all aspects of this wonderful and relevant tradition. As a Registered Yoga School with the Yoga Alliance, our comprehensive curriculum includes anatomy and physiology, yoga humanities, professional yoga essentials and physical and subtle yoga practices and techniques. Our hands-on program will cultivate a unique, well-rounded perspective and nurture your development as a qualified and transformative yoga teacher.

Health Care Information Session

Additional information sessions will be scheduled this fall.
You can attend a regularly scheduled general college information session and tour by clicking on a calendar date at this Admissions link.


  • The program is designed to be convenient; you can begin any semester and take courses at your own desired pace.
  • The program is financial aid eligible.
  • The teaching practicum is woven throughout the entire program. You will develop skills to create equitable and inclusive spaces teaching yoga, one-to-one, in a small group or in large group settings. 

Award Requirements and Course Descriptions & Outlines

Please select the award below to view the degree options and requirements in the college catalog.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze personal attitudes and belief systems about their body, mind and spirit, and their role in the context of the community.
  2. Assess one's current state of health through all the dimensions of Wellness (physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational and environmental) and apply coping strategies to balance one's health now and gain resiliency for the future.
  3. Design and implement behavior modification plans that strive for excellence in wellness through healthy behaviors and boundaries and positive decision making.
  4. Demonstrate proper performance of physical skills through body mechanics and personal and community safety techniques.
  5. Critique their own use of the teaching principles and methods communicated and implemented during peer to peer and trainee to client teaching interactions.