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Creative Writing

What it is
a right-handed person writing a short story on a tablet of paper

Looking for a more creative way to earn a college degree? Minneapolis College’s Creative Writing program offers students access to a vibrant world of creative skills through intensive practice as writers and readers in three literary genres: poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.

Whether you aspire to become a professional writer or to apply these creative skills to a wide range of jobs in the creative economy, the Minneapolis College Creative Writing program can help you fire up your imagination and make a deeper, more meaningful connection to your education.


Enthusiastic, highly-skilled faculty who:

  • Love teaching creative writing,
  • Have strong experience as teachers
  • Have earned graduate degrees in creative writing
  • Have published their work as full-length books and in many magazines and anthologies.

Great students who:

  • Are passionate about writing and being creative
  • Want to associate with other creative students
  • Want to earn a legitimate academic degree that’s also exciting and personally fulfilling.

Opportunities to engage with a vibrant literary community

  • On campus, with other creative writing students and faculty
  • Throughout the Twin Cities, at events and workshops or through programs and internships, sponsored by awesome organizations such as -
    • TruArtSpeaks
    • The Loft Literary Center
    • Rain Taxi Review of Books
    • Minnesota Center for Book Arts
    • Coffee House Press
    • Graywolf Press
    • Milkweed Editions.

Award Requirements and Course Descriptions & Outlines

Please select the award below to view the degree options and requirements in the college catalog. 

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Read and analyze works of creative writing with more critical literacy skill, understanding their craft as well as their historical and social contexts (e.g. race, gender, class).
  2. Work collaboratively with other writers and contribute to a creative community, particularly through full class workshops and/or small group peer review.
  3. Engage in a writing process through a series of steps: generating, drafting, revising, etc.
  4. Write poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction with more skill, effectiveness, creativity and social awareness.
  5. Understand and use a range of creative writing techniques and elements (e.g. imagery, metaphor, rhythm, character development, plot development, point of view).
  6. Understand and use a range of creative writing forms (e.g. sonnet, list poem, memoir, literary journalism, flash fiction, short story).