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Library Information Technology

What it is

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Minneapolis College's Library Information Technology (LIT) Program will equip you with the practical and conceptual skills needed to work in highly automated libraries and information agencies. Whether you seek your A.A.S. Degree in order to become a paraprofessional or transfer to a 4-year college, or if you would like to earn a certificate, Minneapolis College’s LIT program will train you in the ethical, legal and professional frameworks for delivering library and information resources to communities. Both the degree and the certificates are offered in a fully online environment.


  • All required program courses are offered fully online, with the exception of LIBT 1100 and 2200, which are offered as hybrid/blended courses. However, a long-distance option will be made available for any student unable to physically get to campus (or alternative site location), including a live virtual participation option whenever possible.  Electives and general education courses are offered in online, hybrid, and face-to-face formats.
  • Periodic special events are planned so students can have an opportunity to meet face to face.
  • Professional-level engagement with the broader community is encouraged through service-learning opportunities and project options to write papers for suitable submission to professional journals.
  • Program courses continually respond to changing dynamics in the field.
  • A capstone internship experience for students completing the A.A.S. degree provides valuable practical knowledge and connections to the professional community.
  • The LIT Associate of Applied Science (AAS) has a transfer agreement with the MetroState History (Bachelor of Arts) BA.
  • Courses are aligned with the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (APA-ALA) Library Support Staff Certification Program competencies. There may be benefits to attaining this certification, however students in our program are not required to pay for the certification or submit portfolios to this body.

Award Requirements and Course Descriptions & Outlines

Please select the award below to view the degree options and requirements in the college catalog.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the social and ethical frameworks in which information is created, organized, distributed, used, and contested.
  2. Critically engage the content of the discipline, which includes: analyzing information and knowledge as it relates to the demands of the profession; identifying relationships between course content across the program and integrating this knowledge effectively; and building a sense of integrity and commitment to quality in how they regard information in personal and professional settings.
  3. Conduct effective reference interviews, helping users define their information needs; instruct users in basic research procedures, including use of the library’s catalog, databases and web searching and locating materials in the library; use locally developed tools such as subject guides, FAQs and other resources that provide guidance to answer information requests.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the general trends and developments in library/information technology and be able to apply this knowledge to specific functions within a library and information environment.
  5. Use bibliographic utilities effectively; use the cataloging functions of integrated library systems; perform basic copy cataloging, including reviewing and editing cataloging records.