Procedure 1.10.01
Policy and Procedure Development and Review
Part 1. Purpose
This procedure establishes how new policies and procedures are developed and how existing policies and procedures are reviewed and revised.
Part 2. Policy Review Manual & Checklists
The College shall have a Policy Review manual that will contain details and additional guidance regarding the processes for developing, reviewing, revising, and approving college policies and procedures. This manual will be maintained by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Institutional Effectiveness shall also create and maintain the policy review manual and review checklists which can be found on the Institutional Effectiveness SharePoint site.
Part 3. New Policy and Procedure Development Procedure
Any college employee or student can suggest a new policy or procedure. New policies and procedures are developed and approved in the following manner:
- Proposals can be submitted to President’s Council, either as a statement identifying the need or as a draft policy with an explanation.
- President’s Council, in collaboration with Institutional Effectiveness, will identify a Policy/Procedure Owner(s) and Content Expert(s).
- The Owner(s) and Content Expert(s) will use the comprehensive review checklist in the policy manual to ensure all important elements are considered.
- Internal stakeholders and external agencies (e.g., Minnesota State System Office staff, Attorney General) may be consulted as part of the development process.
- Like a Comprehensive Review, once a final draft is ready, a feedback period will open to the college community for review and comment. Depending on the context of the policy or procedure, specific review and feedback may be sought from specific stakeholders. For instance, if the policy or procedure affects students, the Student Senate will be consulted.
- The Owner(s) and Content Expert(s) shall review and incorporate suggested revisions from stakeholders as appropriate.
- President’s Council approves the final version by a simple majority, followed by final approval from the President. Policies and procedures become effective when approved by the President.
Part 4. Existing Policy and Procedure Revision Process
Policies and procedures will be reviewed on a consistent cycle as described here.
- Comprehensive reviews occur every six years, addressing current business practices, relevant regulatory considerations, equity and inclusion factors, and proper structure.
- The opportunity for review, comment, and feedback by the college community is part of the comprehensive review process. This occurs after primary revisions are complete or when the Owner(s) determine no changes are needed. Owner(s) and Content Expert(s) shall review and incorporate suggested revisions from stakeholders and the community as appropriate.
- Limited policy and procedure reviews will occur three years after the comprehensive review to ensure the policy or procedure is still relevant.
- The Office of Institutional Effectiveness facilitates the review process.
- The college community shall be notified which policies and procedures are to be reviewed during the cycle in September of the academic year.
- Internal stakeholders and external agencies (e.g., Minnesota State System Office staff, Attorney General) may be consulted as part of a review.
- President’s Council approves the final version by a simple majority vote, followed by final approval from the President.
Part 5. Reviews Outside the Regular Review Cycle
Subpart A. Expedited Review
Under certain circumstances, expedited revisions may be necessary to ensure compliance with Minnesota State requirements, federal/state law, or similar regulatory necessity. The expedited process includes:
- Input from content experts and stakeholders in a shortened timeframe.
- Final drafts are presented to the President’s Council for recommendation and to the President for final approval. Policies and procedures become effective when approved by the President.
- The college community is notified of the changes and a comprehensive review is completed during the next review cycle.
Subpart B. Focused Reviews
Under certain circumstances, a focused review may take place outside of the regular review cycle. This type of review is to address specific required changes that cannot wait for a regular comprehensive review but do not necessarily need to go through an expedited process. When possible, focused reviews will follow the comprehensive review process.
Owner(s) Title: Associate Vice President of Academic Operations and Institutional Effectiveness
Date of Adoption: 7/1/2017
Date of Implementation (if different from adoption date): 7/1/2017
Date Last Amended: 1/8/2025 (Comprehensive)
History and Subject of Revisions: 1/8/2025 (Comprehensive Review. Substantially edited to make the document more reader friendly, which included making the document more concise. Revised the new and policy revisions sections to shorten information and move some details to the policy review manual. Added a Policy Review Manual & Checklist section covering responsibilities for these. Updated expedited review section and added section on focused reviews.), 8/30/2023 (Updated review cycle length and cadence), 4/1/2021 (Comprehensive review, revised policy/procedure revision process, incorporating the 2-tiered system and equity and inclusion requirements into comprehensive review tier.), 7/1/2017
Regulatory Authority (e.g. Minnesota State policy, federal or state law): Minnesota State Board of Trustees Policy 1A.10 and Procedure 1A.2.2