
Policy 8.05


Space Management Committee


Part 1. Establishment

A Space Management Committee is created to provide an administrative forum for addressing certain facility-related issues.

Part 2. Purpose

The purpose of the Space Management Committee is to address issues surrounding efficient space utilization across the Minneapolis College campuses and to make recommendations regarding policies and procedures for:

  • Assignment of space for classroom, office, storage or other uses.
  • Feasibility and priority of remodeling or relocation projects.
  • Development of space classification and database systems.

The committee will develop general operating procedures and distribute them to the college community.

Part 3. Committee

The committee will be chaired by the Vice President of Finance and Operations and staffed by the Director of Facilities. Membership on the committee will include representation from the following areas:

  • Academic Affairs Administration: Vice President or designee
  • Classroom assignment/database manager
  • Student Affairs Administration: Vice President or designee
  • Information Technology: Director or designee

Part 4. Meetings

The committee will meet on a regular basis as needed.

Part 5. Reporting

The committee chair will report summaries of its activities and relevant issues to the President's Council on a regular basis, to be determined by the Council. The committee chair will also report to interested college groups upon request.

Date of Adoption: 7/1/1999

Date of Implementation (if different from from adoption date):

Date of Last Review: 7/1/1999

Date and Subject of Revisions: