Policy 8.03
Parking Areas and Enforcement
Faculty, staff, students and visitors parking their vehicles on Minneapolis college property are expected to obey parking signage and conform to all applicable regulations.
Vehicles parked contrary to regulations may be issued citations with penalties ranging from warnings to monetary fines. Vehicles in restricted areas may be towed without warning at the owner’s expense. Parking in a payroll deduction (employees only) surface lot without pre-paying through payroll deduction is considered theft of state services. Employees on payroll deduction may only park one vehicle on campus at any given time using their payroll deduction options.
Part 1. Parking Areas
Main Campus
Subpart A. Parking Ramp
The parking ramp is the principal authorized parking facility for employees, students and visitors. Employees, students and visitors are required to display a vehicle parking permit Monday –Friday 6AM- 4:30 PM. Visitors must report to the parking ramp office and obtain and display a Visitor’s Parking Permit.
Subpart B. Surface Lots
Fine Arts Building: There are five handicapped parking spaces near the Fine Arts Building loading dock. These spaces are for handicapped employees on payroll deduction or handicapped SeniorNet Volunteers.
Wells Center Incline: Wells Center incline is strictly reserved for Senior Net Volunteers. This parking area is not intended for students, faculty or staff. Violators may be towed.
Contractor Lot: The Contractor lot on the corner of Hennepin and Laurel Avenues is for approved contractors or vendors use only. Contractor parking is coordinated by making arrangements through the parking ramp office.
Kopp Hall Loading Dock: K Building loading dock is restricted to faculty and staff who have current payroll deduction for their parking fees. Faculty and staff who park in the K Building loading dock must display a current Minneapolis College parking permit at all times.
MEC Building (Lot E): This surface lot and the front drive are restricted to Faculty and Staff who have current payroll deduction for their parking fees. Faculty and Staff that park in Lot E or the front drive must display a current Minneapolis College parking permit at all times.
Restricted Parking Areas: Several areas on campus are designated/signed as restricted parking areas such as No Parking, Fire Lane or Handicapped Parking. Vehicles parked in restricted areas may be ticketed and towed without notification.
Off Campus Locations:
Aviation Center
This site has 127 authorized, striped parking spaces designated and available on a first-come, first-served basis as follows: 113 for students, 19 for staff, 3 for visitors, and 2 for handicapped. Local campus administration will monitor and inform the Director of Public Safety if it is necessary to enforce violations.
Transportation Center
This site has 98 authorized, undesignated parking spaces available for students, faculty and staff in the fenced-in west asphalt lot. Faculty and staff on site will monitor and inform the Director of Public Safety if it is necessary to enforce violations.
Center for Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement (CCJLE)
The rental agreement for this site includes 85 spaces in areas clearly designated with brown signs which read "Minneapolis College Parking. These are the authorized parking spaces for students, faculty and staff. The property owners monitor parking in this area.
Part 2. Enforcement of Parking Policies
Minneapolis College's Public Safety Department is responsible for enforcing parking rules and regulations. All employees, students and visitors are required to comply with college parking policies.
Non-Payment of Fines
Failure to pay parking fines is a violation of college policy. Vehicles on record with two or more unpaid parking fines and no remaining appeal options may be towed without warning at the owner's expense. Additionally, students may have a hold placed on academic records until payments are received.
Appeal of Citations
Only unpaid citations may be appealed. The appeal form is available at the Public Safety Office, R3100 or on the parking website. Appeals must be filed within five (5) working days of the date the citation was issued. The Director of Public Safety and/or the Vice President of Finance and Operations makes the decision on all appeals. All decisions are final.
Payment of fines must occur within five (5) business days, unless in the appeals process, of the issue date posted on the citation. All fines are to be paid in person or by mail to the Minneapolis College Business Office, 1501 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403. A copy of the citation must accompany payment.
Date of Adoption: 7/1/1999
Date of Implementation (if different from from adoption date):
Date of Last Review: 10/4/2005
Date and Subject of Revisions: