
Policy 6.08


Personnel Records Access


Part 1. Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to:

  1. Guarantee that all personnel file information is consistently maintained in accordance with current personnel practices and applicable bargaining agreements and state  laws. 
  2. To make certain that employee personnel file data is properly safeguarded and protected; and
  3. To provide for access to the records maintained in personnel files in a logical and systematic fashion.

Part 2. Responsibility

Every employee is permitted to gain access to the records maintained by the College's human resources department which contain private data regarding that employee. These records may be reviewed only in the presence of a designated human resources official.

Minnesota State Statute 181.961 establishes processes and timelines for the employee's request to view their personnel file. Any applicable bargaining agreement may provide additional guidance. 

Medical files are maintained in a separate and secure confidential medical file in the Human Resources office, in accordance with State of Minnesota statutes and administrative directives.

Official Minnesota State documents no longer appropriate to the personnel file shall be stored in the College’s archives as required by Minnesota State policy and by State of Minnesota statutes.

To make corrections to their personnel file, the employee must first submit a formal request in writing to the human resources department.

If the request for a correction is denied, the employee can then request that their statement of disagreement be placed within the file. That statement of disagreement is to be a permanent part of the information in the personnel file.

Part 3. Access to Personnel Files

Only those individuals whose jobs require access to private employee data contained in human resources files will be allowed access to these records.

Part 4. External Requests for Personnel File Information

Any external source (i.e., individuals or entities outside the College or Minnesota State) that requests information considered private personnel data must first receive written authorization from the employee before any data is released.

The only exception to this policy is verification of employment requests about active and former employees.

Owner(s) Title: Vice President of Human Resources and Workforce Equity

Date of Adoption: 7/1/1999

Date of Implementation (if different from adoption date): N/A

Date Last Amended: 1/25/23

History and Subject of Revisions: 1/25/23 (comprehensive review with a variety of revisions), 7/1/1999 (Adopted)

Regulatory Authority (e.g. Minnesota State policy, federal or state law): State of Minnesota Statutes: Personnel Record Review and Access (181.960-967), Protected Personnel Information (181.973- 974, 181.980, and 181.981); Bargaining Unit Contracts