Policy 1.08
Media Relations
Part 1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Minneapolis College manages its media relations effectively to showcase the College’s strengths and successes, protect its reputation, and communicate a consistent and appropriate voice in matters pertaining to its operations and values.
Part 2. Media Requests and Contacts
Subpart A. Official Contact
The Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communication serves as the official College contact for members of the media. Depending on the specific circumstances, the President or Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communication may designate another employee to serve as the official spokesperson.
Subpart B. Media Inquiries to Employees
Employees who receive media requests or inquiries while in the scope of their employment or regarding issues related to their official duties must refer the request or inquiry to the Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communication.
Subpart C. Exception: Faculty or Staff Expertise
Members of the faculty and staff may respond to requests from the media regarding subject matter expertise on matters unrelated to college business. In such cases, however, the faculty or staff member should notify the Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communication as soon as possible following the media contact.
Subpart D. News Releases and Media Outreach
The Marketing and Communication Division is responsible for proactive outreach to news media and for distributing news releases and story pitches to media outlets. Employees should contact the Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communication if they have a story to share with the media and avoid reaching out to the media on their own.
Part 3. Individual Expression
This policy pertains to employees acting within the scope of their official duties. It is not intended to affect the rights and responsibilities of individuals who are acting in their personal capacities outside the scope of their employment. Individuals are free to express personal opinions on matters of public concern, including those related to the College.
To ensure such personal opinions are not misrepresented as an official College position, individuals who choose to communicate with the media in their personal capacities must do so on their own time, and must clearly identify that the opinions shared are their own and not those of the College.
Owner(s) Title: Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications
Date of Adoption: 1/12/2010
Date of Implementation (if different from adoption date): N/A
Date Last Amended: 1/24/2024 (Comprehensive Review)
History and Subject of Revisions: 1/24/2024 (Comprehensive Review. Updated AVP’s title, added subpart related to news releases and media outreach, minor grammatical changes.) 12/28/2017, 1/12/2010 (Adopted)
Regulatory Authority (e.g. Minnesota State policy, federal or state law): N/A