
Policy 1.01


Policy and Procedure Development and Implementation


Part 1. Purpose

This policy sets forth the standards and processes for creating new college policies and procedures and revising existing policies and procedures at Minneapolis College.

Part 2. Definitions

The following definitions are used in this policy and its supporting procedure.

Policy: A written regulation that governs decisions or actions at the institution, ensuring consistency and compliance with external mandates.

Procedure: Specific processes necessary to implement policies, these are associated with a policy.

Operating Instructions: Instructions approved by the President, President’s Council, or a designee giving explicit direction, instructions, or guidance on internal forms, processes, and other administrative or managerial matters.

Policy Change: The amendment or repeal of an existing policy.

Procedure Change: The amendment or repeal of an existing procedure.

Operating Instructions Change:  Changes to operating instructions approved by the content expert without a formal review process.

Owner:  A Minneapolis College employee, usually a President’s Council member, responsible for updating policies, procedures, and operating instructions.

Content Expert:  A Minneapolis College employee with knowledge or expertise on a topic who can advise on policy, procedure, or operating instructions content and who collaborates on reviewing, revising, or writing policies and procedures.

Stakeholders:  Individuals or groups who may interact with and have a vested interest in a policy, procedure, or operating instructions.

Types of Reviews:

Comprehensive Review:  A thorough review that is conducted every six years to evaluate a policy or procedure for material changes.

Expedited Review: A review conducted outside of the regular review cycle with a shortened timeframe due to extenuating circumstances, such as regulatory changes.

Focused Review: A review conducted outside of the regular review cycle to address specific needed changes, such as changes to one policy requiring changes in a different policy.

Limited Review: A high-level review conducted three years after the comprehensive review in the policy or procedure’s six-year review cycle.

Part 3. Responsibility

Minneapolis College employees and students are responsible for following policies, procedures, and operating instructions. Any employee or student may request revisions to a policy or procedure or may initiate a new policy.

The College’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for managing and supporting policy and procedure development, review, and revision processes.

Policy owners and content experts are responsible for the development, review, and revision of their respective policies and procedures.

Part 4. Numbering Format

Policies and procedures shall follow the same formatting system as used by the Minnesota State system, with numbered parts and lettered subparts for significant content distinctions.

Part 5. Required Policy and Procedure Components and Standards

The header of the policy or procedure shall include the policy or procedure number and name. The body shall include the purpose, definitions, and process steps (for procedures).

The footer shall include dates relevant to policy history, including the owner’s title, adoption date, implementation date (if different from adoption or revision approval), last review date, history and subject of revisions, and regulatory authority. The contents of the footer are not part of the policy or procedure itself and can be updated outside of the review processes.

Other content, structural, or format standards may be established in the Policy Review Manual.

Part 6. Adoption and Development of New Policies and Procedures

The processes for policy and procedure development, approval, and dissemination are outlined in Procedure 1.01.01 and the Policy and Procedure Review Manual.

Part 7. Policy and Procedure Revisions

Policies and procedures will be reviewed on a regular schedule. Procedure 1.01.01 outlines the standards and requirements for reviewing and revising policies and procedures.

Part 8. Approval of New or Revised Policies and Procedures

New and revised policies and procedures, and the repeal of a college policy or procedure, must be approved by President’s Council by a simple majority and receive final approval from the College President. The President’s Council will keep records of discussions and approvals.

 Part 9. Emergency Policies

The President (or designated President’s Council member) may temporarily suspend, modify, or implement necessary policies or procedures due to long-term emergencies as defined by Minnesota State Board Policy 1A.10 (Long-Term Emergency Management).

Owner(s) Title: Associate Vice President of Academic Operations and Institutional Effectiveness

Date of Adoption: 7/1/2017

Date of Implementation (if different from adoption date): N/A

Date Last Reviewed: 1/25/2025 (Comprehensive)

History and Subject of Revisions: 1/8/2025 (Comprehensive Review. Substantially edited to make the document more reader-friendly, which included making definitions more concise and shortening descriptions of processes and requirements—moving them to the policy review manual. Added definitions of expedited and focused review. Added details on related responsibilities.), 8/30/2023 (Updated review cycle length and cadence), 3/3/2023 (updated footer content requirements), 4/1/2021 (Comprehensive review, revised review and approval process, updated policy and procedure content requirements, Additions for long-term emergencies)

Regulatory Authority (e.g. Minnesota State policy, federal or state law): Minnesota State Board Policy 1A.10 and Procedure 1A.2.2