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Minneapolis College

Student Referral

Welcome! You can raise a request for Student Referral using the options provided.

  • Student Referral Form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk
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Please complete this form to refer a student to the Conduct Process or to the CARE team with as much detail as possible.  

 The Student Complaint and Conduct officer, or representative from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities may reach out to you as part of fact gathering process.  

Through submitting this form, Minneapolis College is asking you to provide information which includes private and/or confidential information under state and federal law. MC is asking for this information in order to address your concern. You are not legally required to provide the information MC is requesting; however MC may not be able to efficiently address your concern if you do not provide sufficient information. With some exceptions, unless you consent to further release of private information, access to this information will be limited to school officials, including faculty who have legitimate educational interest in the information. Under certain circumstances, federal and state laws authorize release of private information without your consent. 

 If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to or Bryce Gloppen, Sr. Student Complaint and Conduct Officer at or 612.659.6729 


Star ID is in this format: [aa1234bb] 2 letters followed by 4 numbers followed by 2 letters
Tech ID can be found in eServices ( It is the ID the upper right corner that says "MCTC ID"
Approximate time is okay. Leave blank if time is unknown
Please include as many details as possible
Please list the names of other faculty, staff, students or community members that were involved in the incident or witness to it